Between the 30th September. 1978 and the 8th October, 1978 Maldon
Archaeological Group undertook an excavation at Lofts Farm, Great Totham. Its
purpose was to discover basic information about a site, which hitherto had been
known only as a rectangular shaped crop mark. due for destruction by gravel
We are indebted to Mr. Hughes, the farmer of Lofts, and Contractors
Aggregates, the gravel company, for allowing us to work on the site. For
professional advice, loan of most tools and material and finance to pay for
machine removal of topsoil we are indebted to Michael Eddy and the Essex County
Council, Archaeological Section. Contractors Aggregates kindly back-filled our
excavation without charge. During the week thirty different people assisted for
at least half a day each. This included invaluable help from Wickford members of
the Billericay Archaeological & Historical Society and Colchester
Archaeological Group.
The site is situated on a gravel terrace that stretches along much of the
north side of the Blackwater Estuary. On modern maps the Heybridge-Great Totham
parish boundary and the 25ft contour are both shown cutting across our enclosure
and I now believe they are both related to our site. The former bends at one
edge of one side of the 'moat' and the latter probably represents the lowest
'safe' height above the pre-sea wall flood plain.
The only documentary evidence we have discovered so far has been found in the
enclosure and tithe awards and their associated maps, which date to the early
19th century. Just 250 yds north-west of our 'moat' site lies the present Lofts
Farm which was also probably moated, and is shown clearly on the Chapman &
Andre map of 1777 in its present position. A rental. of 1441 is the earliest
reference we have found of La Loftes, as it was called. Later documents indicate
that Lofts was an estate of some size (over 100 acres) and had assumed some
The excavation was unhindered by rain and, rather surprisingly for the time
of year, we were confronted not by mud but by a concrete hard layer of
brickearth under the topsoil. Potatoes growing in the field covered three
quarters of the site and this dictated the positioning of our trench. Due to a
very unscientific law, that often seems to work against archaeologists, we were
unable to identify any man-made features, other than the moat, until the last
hour of the last day. These were shallow pits and a stoney sloping surface and
are in the part of the trench shown as incomplete on the sketch plan.
Finds collected during the week do give us that basic information which we
were seeking and therefore made the excavation a success.
Two or three flint flake implements discovered represent the activities of
Stone Age man. This is not enough to indicate a settlement but represents a
scatter that one might expect to find in any field if one looked carefully
In the brickearth, immediately below the topsoil. was a concentration of tile
and pottery sherds which provided us with the best indication of the site's type
and first occupation. This pottery has a rough sandy grey fabric and is dated
tentatively to the 14th century by comparison with pottery from other Essex
medieval sites. Some, but very little, of the better quality glazed pottery of
the same period was found. Later post-Medieval types of pottery were also poorly
represented as well as this level. Not one sherd has been identified as being
earlier than this rough grey pottery (i.e. no Roman or Saxon).
We were able to extend our trench over the north length of the 'moat' to
reveal a butt end and hence the enclosure entrance. It appeared to have been
back-filled with gravel and contained a lot of 16th-17th century broken brick.
Four sherds, the most recent being late 18th or early 19th century, were also in
the fill.
The shape and size of the enclosure, and the finds we have collected,
indicate that the site was typical of the small moated homesteads that came into
being around 1300. It was a period in which England's population was expanding
and the demand for more agricultural land led to the clearance and occupation of
land not used before. Chapman & Andre show woodland adjacent to our site in
1777. Most moated homesteads in Essex came into being between about 1250 and
1320 (see Fieldwork in Local History by W.G. Hoskins). Moats probably served
several functions, which could have included defence, drainage control and the
control of animals. Current research suggests that moats at this time were
considered fashionable and enabled their owners to keep up with the Jones (De
Although our excavation failed to reveal foundations we can expect a building
to have existed somewhere within the 'moat' and it may have lasted long enough
to have brick additions in the 16th or 17th century. These could easily have
been chimneys. The moat, which may well have outlasted any enclosed buildings,
was filled in during the late 18th or early 19th century but part of one side
was left as a pond. This section, which we did not excavate, still shows today
as a dip in the field much more distinctly than any other part of the moat,
excluding the ditch and hedge on the west side. Over the coming year documentary
research and field walking will be continued by M.A.G. in the hope of uncovering
more clues. Next autumn, after this coming year's wheat crop, the gravel diggers
will require the site. It is our hope that we will have a chance to recognise
any building foundations or any other features when this takes place and that we
will have time to plot and examine them. A full report of this excavation will
not be put together until the site has been destroyed but processing and drawing
are already underway.
A special thanks is due to M.A.G. members who put in more than one day on the
site, Dave and Jackie Gustard, Tony Froom, Malcolm and Frances Billinge, Pauline
and Geoffrey Clark, Susan Matten, Betty Parker, Brian Semmonds (Wickford) Janet
and David Eacersall, Pauline and David Neild, and to John Bailey (Photographs)
Richard Hansen (Finds) and Patricia Ryan for the documentary research.